Ewa Strusińska brings Scotland to Saxony – a triumph with bagpipes and Mendelssohn
„The clarinet begins its imitation of bagpipes in Mendelssohn’s Scottish Symphony – and a breathtaking evening of music returns to its thematic point of departure, just as it heads to its roaring finish. A listener cries „Sensational!“ right into the last chord of the finale. A salvo of jubilation explodes, the public breaks out into rhythmic applause and one visitor asks his partner if it’s always as good as this. Maybe he’ll now be coming more often to concerts of the Neue Lausitzer Philharmonie. Ewa Strusinska, Artistic Director since the start of this season, uses her alert and intensive beat with a clear purpose and brings genuine fresh wind to the river Neisse. It’s an approach which might not always meet with approval. But this Polish conductor gets that approval beyond the shadow of a doubt.“
Karsten Blütghen, Sächsische Zeitung